Moderate And High Intensity Sprint Exercise Induce Differential Responses In COX4I2 And PDK4 Gene Expression In Thoroughbred Horse Skeletal Muscle

Moderate And High Intensity Sprint Exercise Induce Differential Responses In COX4I2 And PDK4 Gene Expression In Thoroughbred Horse Skeletal Muscle

Moderate And High Intensity Sprint Exercise Induce Differential Responses In COX4I2 And PDK4 Gene Expression In Thoroughbred Horse Skeletal Muscle: Gene expression was investigated in skeletal muscle biopsy samples collected before and after high intensity sprint exercise or moderate intensity treadmill exercise in Thoroughbred racehorses. The different exercise protocols elicited different responses in the genes due to the difference in intensity. This indicates that different sets of genes will be central to horses racing at sprint and long distances.

Hill EW, Eivers SS, McGivney BA, Fonseca RG, Gu J, Smith NA, Browne JA, MacHugh DE, Katz LM. Equine Veterinary Journal Supplement. 2010 Nov;(s38):576-81.

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